Christmas is sneaking up on us all - don't overlook buying gift packaged black garlic products for all the foodies in your life. We can forward parcels to you or direct to the recipients - if as a gift we can include a personalised note (and no invoice!). Find our gift packages here
If you can't decide on the perfect gift, perhaps our gift certificate would help - you can purchase a $50 voucher, get a stylish certificate with an individual coupon code to send as a gift. Feel free to contact if more help is needed.
Spring brings the joys of fresh garlic scapes. These are the curly tendrils coming out of hard necked garlic. In the photo you can see the scape with the little knob (the bulblet which will produce seed) on the top. Scapes are pulled out to give the bulb the best chance of maximum growth and flavour and because they taste great in their own right. If you wish to plait your garlic, taking the scape out makes the stalks easier to plait as they go quite stiff. In a stir fry, splashed over an omelette, added to baked veg, they always taste fresh and green. Would be fabulous as part of of a pasta primavera with new peas......Yum
December 2024