An Australian team based in Fremantle launched Plastic Free July in 2011. They challenge individuals, families and businesses to reduce single use plastic in their lives. Last year, they reported that 250 million people took part in 177 different countries trying to reduce plastic waste.
This is a significant issue for businesses, especially those selling online. When you last opened your online order, how much single use plastic packaging tipped out? Getting your order to you in perfect condition is the ambition of every business, hence the generous packaging. What do you do with your packaging? Apparently only 10% is recycled so it is likely the rest is sitting in landfill. More businesses are moving to recycled packaging. We collect clean packaging (from supplies that come to us) or from friends and neighbours who are shopping hard in COVID and reuse the packaging in our orders. If our customers then recycled the packaging again who knows how far it could go? Happy Plastic Free July - have a look at plastic packaging in your life and see where things could be reused.
December 2024