We are acutely aware of Australia's concerns about COVID-19 as announcements increase about the risks of public gatherings. In our immediate area, this means the cancellation of the lovely Handmade Canberra market next weekend 21-22 March. This is understandable and disappointing for us and our customers. It seems an opportune time to remind us all about the established general health benefits of black garlic and to wish everyone good health at this difficult time.
At the outset, let's be crystal clear: there is NO evidence garlic or black garlic has prevented acquiring COVID-19 (despite some of the claims on the web). There is however reputable evidence about the general daily health benefits from eating garlic, and black garlic in particular. It is easier to eat black garlic daily (rather than fresh garlic with its pungent odour and harsh gastric effects). Black garlic can be eaten as a daily treat, perhaps under your poached eggs or eaten as a daily clove to boost wellness. So what are the benefits? §BIG flavour (soft & sweet) that’s healthy §10x the antioxidants of raw garlic* with anti-inflammatory effects §Lowers Cholesterol* §Reduces Blood Pressure* §No Garlic Breath §Anti-allergy* – reduces the physiology of allergic responses Reference: *Kimura S. et al “Black Garlic: A Critical Review of it’s Production, Bioactivity & Application”. The Journal of Food & Drug Analysis. 2017:25;62-70. You can read more here (Kimura paper) and on our review of the science of black garlic. We offer bulk tubs of unpeeled black garlic cloves, perfect for your daily health boost.
December 2024