Sara Dunnett has spent the last 10 years in Prairie Queensland running the Prairie Café and now is our most remote stockist. Her customers are largely travellers moving through from May to December, when the weather drops below 50 degrees to make travel more comfortable. The 45 locals take advantage of her great food too. Prairie is 338km west of Townsville enroute to Julia Creek, Cloncurry then Mount Isa.
Sara has specialised in Prairie pies – gourmet pies baked fresh every day. She turns out great options, like chicken cheese and asparagus, beef and red wine or the always-popular corned beef in white onion sauce. Sara had the misfortune to tumble off her son’s ute, when trying to lift out a fridge for the café. She had a compound fracture of her left arm along with disc and tendon damage. The nearest hospital was at Hughenden 45 km away. Waiting for the ambulance, the greatest trouble was avoiding cooking on the bitumen. Several years of recovery, sees her back in action, baking fresh Turkish bread to serve with our black garlic. Yesterday, having just reopened was a pie sell out. She tells me today, that two days into her career as a black garlic retailer, she has sold 3 jars – more power to you Sara!
Looking forward to seeing our current retailers and meeting new ones at the Fantastic Food + Drink tradeshow. This is a new endeavour for us. The show is partnered with Naturally Good, a healthfood supply show, so a good combination for us. Retailers can go on line and book a free pass here.
Always lovely to be asked to forward a birthday gift from our online store, but this was a special treat. We were asked to include a note wishing the recipient "Happy 90th birthday - It will be better if it is Mandarin but it's good enough in English thank you : )" Thanks to the help of a great friend it was a pleasure to send this note attached to the Gourmet Gift box - we could also include a product flyer prepared for a China trade show also in Mandarin, so a truly multicultural service. Hope it is a thrill to receive and comes with love from the giver. 祝生日快樂! 福如東海,壽比南山! HAPPY 90TH BIRTHDAY! Food Innovation Australia Limited is creating connections for Aussie brands at HOFEX 2017 – Asia’s leading food & hospitality trade show. On 8th May 2017, Food Innovation Australia Limited (FIAL) is providing a platform for Australian brands to meet international buyers directly at HOFEX 2017. HOFEX attracts exhibitors from over 50 countries and is visited by buyers from over 70 countries.
We are delighted to be showing our Garlicious Grown black garlic range at this prestigious meeting and look forward to building export partnerships to Asia. Thanks to FIAL for their support. Don't forget to get your Mothers Day orders in! Thanks Patty for taking on our black garlic - will make a great toastie and be terrific in your gourmet hamper baskets. See more about lovely Millthorpe here ...and what a location! The new Canberra Visitors Centre has embraced Garlicious Grown in their local product display - thanks Will! Check out the new centre - it is truly beautiful and a great location to take visitors. Food and coffee tops.
December 2024