How gorgeous does this look? Great chef customer Daniel Sofo from Firefly Neutral Bay wrote to let us know:
"Congrats on the well deserved award also. I’ve recently incorporated your powdered black garlic in a new addition to my menu: Beef fillet, buckwheat soba, Japanese mushroom & black garlic. I’ve attached a pic. Great tasting and guests are loving it." Kind Regards, Daniel Sofo Owner, Firefly Neutral Bay No wonder they love it - great produce with terrific black garlic powder - mmm........ Cheers Daniel
Thanks to Lindy for sampling our black garlic and taking on stocks for her groovy wholefoods cafe and grocery store in Brisbane. Her enthusiasm for food that tastes good and is good for you is palpable. Look forward to more....thanks Lindy!
We love our black garlic cloves squished under poached eggs or spread with butter on a great steak - well so did the judges at this week's Australian Food Awards in Melbourne. The AFA, conducted by The Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria (RASV) builds on the success of RASV’s Royal Melbourne Fine Food Awards (RMFFA) and is Australia’s leading national premium food awards program.
The awards offer usthe opportunity to benchmark against set criteria; receive invaluable independent feedback from industry experts; and be rewarded for excellence. We were thrilled to score 95.5 from 100 points and a gold medal in Pantry Goods (preserved vegetables). Thanks to everyone who has helped us, our great fellow growers, our fantastic retailers and our terrific families who have put up with us all along (just keep peeling boys!) You can buy medal winning black garlic at Gorgeous to see a note from Lyn ordering our starter pack for her terrific cafe and gourmet store. Lyn is our first Queensland retailer so very special. The Larder is serving great dishes like Potato Bacon & Leek Soup which will be fantastic with a touch of black garlic powder - yum!
Beautiful day to take some rosemary cuttings, ready to add to our black garlic powder. Took fresh tip pieces, stripped the bottom of leaves, dipped them in rooting hormone (in the white pot, not sure if it really makes a difference or not), then into a striking mix. The mix is seed raising mix, coir pieces and perlite - seems to work well. Now for some sunshine! The trays are sitting on top of a worm bath - this makes a standing height work surface and all excess soil or water goes straight in the bath. The warmth from the compost action helps germination. More about the bath next time. Happy propogating!
December 2024